Sunday, June 16, 2019

I want to Submit a bible ad, how do I do this?

  • I want to Submit a bible ad, how do I do this?
Ad Sizes and Prices: 
$15.00 Business card size ad
$25.00 Half page ad (5” x 4”)
$35.00 Full page ad (5” x 8”)
$50.00 Two page pre-reg. (back to back)
Make checks payable to: New England Van Council, Inc.
Mail your check to: Judi Baker, 329 Wildwood Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Mail your ads to: Judi Baker, 329 Wildwood Ave, Worcester, MA 01603
Email jpg/pdf files to:
PayPal to:
Deadline extended to June 22nd!!

Is there a Vanners night in?

Vanners Night In will be on Wednesday night at 6PM, and provided by BBQ from BT's Smokehouse.
Cost is $15/PP - paypal Judi at
or send a check, payable to: New England Van Council, Inc. and mail it to: Judi Baker 329 Wildwood Ave Worcester, MA 01603 

Reservations so far:

1Susan DuMont
2Susan DuMont
3Kurt Zmyslowski
4Lisa Ethier
5Chad Smith
6Chad Smith
7Larry Gibson
8Larry Gibson
9Brett Chapman
10Rob Harlfinger
11Rob Harlfinger
12Frank Marsolais
13Cheryl Marsolais
14Steve Biltcliffe
15Sue Moss
16Terry (Biltcliffe)
17Danette Klingensmith
18Kevin Klingensmith
19John Antonetti
20John Antonetti
21Kari Lehtonen
22Kari Lehtonen
23Kari Lehtonen
24Kari Lehtonen
25Kari Lehtonen
26Kari Lehtonen
27Kari Lehtonen
28Kari Lehtonen
29Kari Lehtonen
30Kari Lehtonen
31Kari Lehtonen
32Kari Lehtonen
33Kari Lehtonen
34Kari Lehtonen
35Kari Lehtonen
36Kari Lehtonen
37Kari Lehtonen
38Kari Lehtonen
39Kari Lehtonen
40Robyn Strolsky
41Robyn Strolsky
42Larry Kerr
43Garry Kerr
44Catharine Hamilton
45Linda Taylor
46Pete Drolet
47Andrew Kleiman
48Andrew Kleiman
49Charlotte Jackson
50Kathy Jackson
51John Scull
52Sheila Scull
53John Attrill
54Sheila Carpenter
55Judi Baker
56Judith Pilon
57Bobby Joseph
58Shannon Joseph
59Mike Macri
60Mike Macri
61John Rappa
62John Rappa
63Amy Gravelle
64Frank Ponsillo
65Frank Ponsillo
66Dave Desaulniers
67Jason Desaulniers
68Gaetan Lacroix
69Gaetan Lacroix